Monday, September 20, 2010

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Piglets are baby pigs. Pigs have no sweat glands so they can’t sweat. Pigs have an excellent sense of smell so they can smell other animals.

If pigs live on a farm they get kills for meat like ham, pork chops, bacon and other meat.

Pugs have a wide angle of vision 310 degrees. A female pig can give birth to ten or more piglets, our mums can not.

Some pigs have straight tails some have curly tails. Baby piglets weighs about 1.5 kilograms at birth. Hog is used as a synonym in the United States.

I think pigs are good for ham because I like ham.


Cats are popular. Cats are used to support people. They have lots of fur, some even have fluff. Cats are pets. Most cats are not wild, but there are wild like Tigers, Lions and Leopards.

Cats can’t eat sweets because they might choke and it is chewy. Cats have very sharp claws. Cats are very fast. Cats like rain because the birds are out hunting for food. Cats love to sleep.

Cats are very cute they are things we like to play with.


A duck has feathers and a beak. There are all kind of ducks. Ducks live in such places as pond, lakes and houses. Ducks are related to geese and swans. Female ducks can be used for meat. Ducks sit on their eggs for up to 28 to 30 days. It takes the eggs 28 days to hatch from when she starts sitting on it.

Black duck males and females are very similar in colouring except that males turn bright red and their beaks yellow during breeding season.

The ducklings always follow their mother. Ducks have no blood vessels or nerves in their feet so they can’t feel cold even in freezing cold water. Ducks are very small compared to humans.

I think ducks are cute.


Ducks are very shy creatures. There are all sorts of ducks. A duck lives in a big pond.

Male ducks have green feathers on their head, females don’t. The eggs take 28 days to hatch the mother sits on the egg to keep them warm so they hatch.

When the baby duck hatch they snuggle into their mothers to keep them warm out of the cold.

They love eating bread and they love to swim. They cuddle into their mothers. They love to fly.

I like ducks.


At birth lambs have eight teeth. Their fur is white as snow. The horns on the ram is usually curved outward.

The sheep have many natural enemies like the coyote, the mountain lions, wolves and even the domestic dogs.

Sheep are not very popular they’re really rough.


Foals are baby animals. Through breeds are bred for turf and it’s colours are brown.

They are called foals because they are baby horses. Foals can carry babies up to ages 1-10 months.

Foals are still baby horses for ages 6 to 12 months.

I like foals when they neigh.


Dogs have better smell than humans, Dogs are also called canines but that is only if they work for police men.

Dogs are different from humans, in total there are about 400 million dogs in the world. Dogs can be dangerous around other dogs. Dogs are very helpful to blind people. Dogs are very hard to train. Dogs bite people if they tease. Many dogs owners treat their dogs as if they were children. Mum dogs have a lot of baby dogs before they have the babies they don’t have the milk but after they have the babies they have the milk.

Dogs can get in a lot of trouble.


Horses are fair animals. Horses live in stables.

The oldest horse to ever live on the earth was 48. When a baby horse is born the vets cut the tummy open and then there is the bay horse.

When the baby horse is born the mum eats grass and that turns into milk for the baby and the baby drinks the milk.

Horses are real cool.


A baby horse is called a foal. The mums can have foals and they can run fast.

Horses are able to sleep while not falling down. Thoroughbreds are bred for the turf and racing and they are usually brown.

Any young baby horse is called a foal until it is 6 months old. It becomes hard to tell how old they are because the teeth are becoming worn that much.

I like young baby foals.

Baby Goats

Baby goats have to have as much attention as your own kids. You have to feed them milk. To cuddle them when they’re cold. Baby goats are called kids. For the first week they suck from their mother. The baby goats have to sleep beside their mother.

Goats flounce, they bounce and they cuddle. Their owner should provide it with food and water if they wish to have a healthy, productive herd.

Remember to feed your goat three or four times daily for it’s first two weeks because the mother won’t have much milk left. They don’t have much on them when they’re born but in two weeks time it will.

Baby goats are so cute.


A calf is a baby cow. The mother gives the calf milk. The cows are use for their milk and meat.

Cows go to the milk shed to get milked. The female cow have four sections in their body. The female cows are the only cows to have calves.

Male cows are called bulls. Cows drink 25-50 gallons of water each day. Cows can eat grass, hay and feed daily.

About ten cows make the same amount of milk. Black and white cows are most common. Young female cows are called heifers.

Cows are the best animals in the world.

Baby Goats

Baby goats are called kids and need extra care for the first week of life. You should try to have your baby goats have it’s first drink of warm mothers milk.

You should try to fee your goat three to four times daily for it’s first two weeks. When they are young they are likely to flounce and bounce around when they are about three to four weeks old they are known to cuddle.

The owner should provide colostrum if they want to have a productive herd. You should know always that it is possible to feed a baby goat by hand at any stage. Colostrum can also be something that they drink.

Baby goats are just like keeping any baby. The most important thing to remember about feeding baby goats is that the first milk from the mother will establish the proper stomach for health and nutrition.

Baby goats can be extra cute.

Baby Chickens

Not many people get chickens for pets. Chickens are soft and fluffy birds. They are used for food and eggs.

During the first week of their lives baby chicks need to be kept at a temperature between 90 and 95 degrees.

You can do many things with chicken eggs. You can scramble them, boil them and eat them.

You have to let them run around in a wide open space if you want them to be free range.

I like chickens because they don’t scratch you.


A cub is a baby lion. Little cubs are very small. They the 2 smallest. They are born with no eyes.

What a lion does. A lion looks for food. What they eat. A lion eats meat but they put pills in the meat because then the lion won’t bite you because that pill makes the lion not bite people when they are going in the lion cage.

Lions have about 10 babies.

What I like about lions is they roar very loud.


A calf is a baby cow they drink the milk from their mums utter. They are used for their milk and meat.

All cows are female, male cows are called bulls. And female cows are the ones that have four sections in their tummies. Bulls have three sections like all mammals.

Cows must have babies before they give milk. Each cow produces more than 100 glasses of milk each day or over 200,000 glasses of milk in their lifetime.

Cow is the name for adult female cattle, young females are heifers. Male cows are bulls. All young cows are called calves.

It use to take 10 cows to produce the same amount of milk.

I like when calves suck your hand.


Lambs are baby sheep. We have sheep to have clothes and meat.

At birth lambs have eight baby teeth because they are babies they will need teeth to drink out of their bottle.

Some sheep are used for making meat and clothes for kids in the world.

Sometimes lambs can be brown or white.

Lambs are cute to me.


Cats are wild and tame there are more than one type of cat.

Cats have five toes on each front paw, but only four toes on each back paw. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. Most cats have no eyelashes. Thy change colour over a period of months to find the final eye colour.

Cats can’t taste sweets. Americans spend more annually on cat food than on baby food. Cats are the only animals that walk on their claws, not the pad of their feet. Cats have true fur, in that they have both an undercoat and an outer coat.

When a domestic cat goes after mice, about once in three results in a catch. The cheetah is the only cat in the world that can’t retract it’s claws. Newborn kittens have closed ear canals that don’t begin to open for nine days. A cat sees about six times better than a human at night because of the tapetum lucidum, a layer of extra reflecting cells which absorb light.

Cats are my favourite type of tame animals because they are cute.


A cub is a baby lion. Lions live in the wild in Africa and Northwest India. Lions and cubs are dangerous to people.

There are seven species of lions like cheetahs and all sorts. The name of a male lion referred to as a lion or tom. Fully grown males reach the height of feet long.

The average size of a litter is two lions. They are active during the day and at night but they prefer hunting at night.

The average lion likes hunting for meat they prefer hunting at night because in the day everyone sees them. Cubs don’t eat people till they are young but when they get older they eat whatever they see.

Cubs cuddle up to their mothers to keep warm at night.

I think cubs are cute because they cuddle up to their mothers at night.


Piglets are baby pigs.

Pigs have no sweat gland so they can’t sweat. Pigs have an excellent sense of smell so they can smell other animals.

If a pig lives on a farm they get killed for meat like ham or pork chops bacon and other meat.

Pigs have a very wide angle of vision 310 degrees. A female pig can give birth to ten or more piglets. Our mums can’t.

Some pigs have straight tails some have curly tails. Baby piglets weigh about 1.5 kilograms at birth. Hog is used as a synonym in the United States.

I think pigs are good for ham because I like ham.


Cats are very popular. Cats are used to support people. They have fur some even have fluff. Cats are pets most cats are not wild but there are wild cats like tigers, lions and leopards.

Cats can’t taste sweets because they might choke and it’s a wee bit chewy. Cats have sharp claws cats are very fast.

Cats like the rain because the birds are out hunting for food. Birds and mice are cats play. Cats like to sleep.

Cats are very cute things that like to play.


A dog is a helping hand for a farm. They find people also.

Dogs have 37 times stronger smell than humans.

Dogs are good at guarding and looking.

Many dogs treat their dog the wrong way.


Piglets are baby pigs. Piglets can have straight or curly tails. They live on a farm. They are used for ham, bacon and pork chops.

Piglets like to run around and chase each other. They like to play in the mud and get dirty.

Pigs have no sweat glands so they won’t sweat so much but other animals can sweat.

Piglets can see up to 310 degrees, they can see if anyone is coming. They also have a wide angle of vision. Baby pigs can weigh about 1.5 kilograms at birth.

A hog is used as a synonym of a pig in the United States.

I like pigs because they get dirty and I like getting dirty.


Baby chicks are made from yoke that is a yellow liquid that is in an egg which came from a hen and a rooster and if the rooster doesn’t help, the people will eat the egg.

Chicks have ros in their stomach that is because they have no teeth so the stones help break up the food.


Cats are very clever animals. Cats are used as pets they have fur. People like cats because they snuggle into people.

Cats are a bit funny because they can not taste sweets. Americans spend more money on cats than babies.

Cats re all different colours. Some are black and grey and all other colours. Did you also know that cats have five toes at the front and four toes at the back.

Cats drink water and milk and they eat cat cookies. The fur of cats keep them warm.

I like cats because they can climb trees.


Sheep are animals that give people meat and wool than gives us clothes.

The sheep have many natural enemies like the coyotes, mountain lions, wolves and even domestic dogs.

There are still wild sheep. The largest sheep is the wild sheep.


Ducks come in all shapes and sizes. They come from all over the world.

It takes the eggs 28 days to hatch. Wow that’s a long time for eggs to hatch. Males ducks have shiny green on their heads and females don’t, they just have the same colour as their body on their heads.

Baby ducks are white when they’re little and they are as small as s humans hand. They always follow their mother but when they grow up they don’t follow their mother.

Ducks are very messy and poo all over the area, and some people when they go there they stand in it. Also ducks are related to geese and swans.

I think ducks are cute when they are little.

Baby chicks

You can literally hypnotise a chicken by holding it and drawing a line in the dirt.

Hen’s will try to lay eggs.

1 comment:

  1. weldone room2 for theese amazing storys. i hope you had fun wiriting them! :)
