Thursday, June 3, 2010

Our Mini Soccer Rules

Mini Soccer

Goal: To teach the children how to play mini soccer.

• Mini soccer ball
• Field (or somewhere to play)
• 2 Long benches
• Shoes

How to play:
1. Mac is the ref, if he can’t be there he picks someone else.
2. Jordan and Bailey always pick their teams. The teams are even and have the same number of boys and girls. The teams pretty much stay the same everyday.
3. When a new person wants to play they ask the team leader what team to join into. (Whatever team makes it even.)
4. Before each playtime and lunchtime Miss. Langley will do a toss with the team leaders to see who will start with the ball. If your team looses the toss they get to pick which way they go.
5. You have to kick the ball to the seat to get a goal. It must hit the seat.
6. You can only stand on the ball for 3 seconds then you have to kick it, if it is flat then you have to wait for it to blow back up.
7. Mac, Bailey and Jordan set out the cones to show where the field is and where the goalie box is.
8. If it goes out the team that didn’t knock it out has to throw the ball in, with their feet together, ball behind their head to throw it in.
9. You are not allowed to use your hands.
10. If there are more than 3 people trying to get the ball then it becomes a penalty.
11. If there is a handball the ref stops the game and a free pass is given.
12. The game ends when the bell goes.


  1. Hi Room 2
    How wonderful to see your very good mini Soccer Game on the Blog. I am pleased it is working so well. Now, you will have to come up with another game so you will have lots of games to choose from at lunch time.
    Your blog is great, so very newsy.
    See you on Tuesday.
    Mrs MacDonald

  2. Hi Room Two Rock Stars!

    This is a very cool game that you have set up with clear easy rules, I hope that you all have fun playing it.

  3. Hi Room 2

    Great looking guitars and tambourines, great imaginations.
    Great pictures on blog.
    Bye bye
